

我的Windows 10笔记本电脑坏了,所以我用一部新的Windows 11电脑替换了它。我需要安装HP Smart应用程序来连接我的HP OfficeJet 5258打印机/扫描仪/传真机。我成功地扫描了几份文档,但当我尝试今天扫描时,一开始就无法工作。我加载了扩展修复找到的这个:(h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Scanning-Faxing-Copying/The-SCAN-feature-of-my-HP-OfficeJet-5258-Prin…),然后能够扫描。然而,没有双面扫描选项,像过去一样。有任何更满意的解决方案或其他选择吗?#HPDumbSolved!Go to Solution.
———to the HP English Community — True – HP Smart – the Scan and Print Application available for Windows and Mobile – is different from the full driver printer software.HP Scan Extended is old software — the software is a relic from a bygone time. The software still seems to work – at least in some cases. The software was originally recommended when even older printer software of the time failed to provide some of the desired features.The full driver printer software for your printer is much newer than \’Scan Extended\’ –The Full Feature Software includes the features available for your printer model type and Windows 11.Install the full driver software for your printer.After the full driver software is installed,If you like, check Scan Extended again – it if can make use of any of the full driver components, it will do so.HP Scan – part of the Full Feature Software – includes scan options for 2-sided (Manual)Details / How-to / Examples=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-==-=-=Install Printer SoftwareThe differences can between the full driver and the Universal Scan software are subtle but important.The Full Solution software is the full driver printer software.The full driver printer software is the software used with \’Scan to Computer\’.Details are included later in this message.Reinstalling?Uninstall existing full driver printer software from Programs and Features.If your printer includes a separate \’help\’ in Programs and Features, uninstall that, too.Restart the computer and log in.If the printer is connected to the computer using a printer USB cable, remove / disconnect the cable before loading the software.Download package is located on this web page:HP OfficeJet 5200 All-in-One Print and Scan Driver and AccessoriesIn general, the web pack should load -Download package \\u0026gt; Save \\u0026gt; Right-Clickon the installation Package\\u0026gt; Run as AdministratorIf / When asked, opt for theFull Driver/ Full Softwareto be installed.Using USB? (Re)Connect when instructed to do so.After the software is installed,Restartthe computer and sign in.