

每隔大约15分钟,我的8135e打印机会发出一些噪音,显示屏显示“扫描成功发送”,并且在网络控制台上的任务队列中添加了一个新的条目“Guest: HTTP Jobs”。这让我很困扰,因为我不知道正在发送什么。我该如何禁用它?


——— 有一个新的固件可用,可以尝试更新打印机固件吗?这个资源会有帮助:www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDzj0LkNIPY
希望这有帮助!虽然我说的是我自己,而不是惠普(HP)。点击“有用” = 是以表示感谢。

——— 嗨,感谢您使用惠普支持社区。可以尝试更新打印机固件吗?这个资源将告诉你如何操作:www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDzj0LkNIPY
有关打印机的更多资源:www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUV0sXfF6zPj2L8vKWfVMlHOO8lHinzd_希望这有帮助!虽然我说的是我自己,而不是惠普。点击“有用” = 是以表示感谢。

——— 嗨,Greentutle,我按照你的步骤操作,打印机显示固件已更新。但我仍然感到不安,因为打印机偶尔会发出噪音并显示“扫描成功发送”,而我不知道正在扫描和发送的是什么。谢谢,Qian

——— hifor checking for FW update.How many devices are connected to the printer?May want to disconnect/uninstall those devices and then reinstall those devices again?Do the above especially on the device that has initiated a scan job on the printer before.Thanks.. Although I am speaking for myself and not for HP.Click Helpful = Yes to say Thank You.Question / Concern Answered, Click \’Accept as Solution\’
#\\u003e How many devices are connected to the printer?The printer is connected to the home wifi. How can I tell what devices are connected to the printer?#\\u003e Hi,What device was used to setup the printer? Mobile phone, Laptop with HP Smart app?What app/software did you used for scanning your documents?Thanks. Although I am speaking for myself and not for HP.Click Helpful = Yes to say Thank You.Question / Concern Answered, Click \’Accept as Solution\’
#\\u003e \\u003e What device was used to setup the printer? Mobile phone, Laptop with HP Smart app?Nothing yet. It\’s brand new. The only thing being scanned was the alignment paper.\\u003e What app/software did you used for scanning your documents?Not yet. We haven\’t scanned anything other than the alignment paper yet.#\\u003e hifor the info.Would suggest to do a factory reset. Here\’s the steps:1. Go to \’Menu\’2. Go to \’Tools\’3. Go to \’Maintenance\’4. Go to \’Restore Settings\’5. Restore all factory defaultsWould need to setup the printer after that. Use HP SMart app to connect the printer to a network.Hope that helps!. Although I am speaking for myself and not for HP.Click Helpful = Yes to say Thank You.Question / Concern Answered, Click \’Accept as Solution\’
#\\u003e Already did factory reset, still the same. HP needs to update the printer software to let users know what\’s being sent.#\\u003e hilet us know the Fw version of the printer.Thanks.. Although I am speaking for myself and not for HP.Click Helpful = Yes to say Thank You.Question / Concern Answered, Click \’Accept as Solution\’